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Click "Visit Store" and complete your order online. Once your order is complete, 5% of your purchase amount will be deposited into your Savings Center. You are also eligible for rebates on shipping and return shipping costs up to $10 per order on any purchase you make through the Platinum Plus Marketplace. Visit the Rebates page to submit your claim.

About Lids: is the online specialty retail leader of officially licensed and branded athletic fashion headwear. They offer a vast assortment of college, MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL teams, as well as other specialty fashion fashion categories all in the latest styles and colors.

Retailer Restrictions: Purchases made using external coupons or promotional codes not found on this site are not eligible for Cash back.

Click "Visit Store" and complete your order online. Once your order is complete, 5% of your purchase amount will be deposited into your Savings Center. You are also eligible for rebates on shipping and return shipping costs up to $10 per order on any purchase you make through the Platinum Plus Marketplace. Visit the Rebates page to submit your claim.

About Lids: is the online specialty retail leader of officially licensed and branded athletic fashion headwear. They offer a vast assortment of college, MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL teams, as well as other specialty fashion fashion categories all in the latest styles and colors.

Retailer Restrictions: Purchases made using external coupons or promotional codes not found on this site are not eligible for Cash back.

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